Thursday, June 08, 2006

What is this world coming too?

I had some free time to kill so I decided to spend it searching the internet for tasteful pictures of scantily clad women. Now hold on, don't assume this was for a sordid personal purpose, it had the altruistic purpose of finding a nice little angel to be our Monday girl for next week. You see my weekend is busy and I was thinking about you… (if you believed this excuse you are no better than JZ judge, cause its no better than, ‘she wanted it honour, look how she was dressed!’)

So I typed “hot new famous nude babe” into a very well respected search engine and I was happy to see I got 4526007 hits. (Apparently if I mention the sites name I could be held liable so it seems it would be google, sorry I mean frugal, to omit the name) How horrified was I when 4526006 of these were all of a totally sordid, disgusting, degrading, despicable depictions of what can only be described as the worst case of child pornography ever heard of. (the other picture was of this Albanian guy and a horse but lets not go there) I was horrified. You search for the softest of softcore tasteful entertainment of an adult nature and get this:

What is this world coming too? This from a tool that is meant to spread education to the entire world and revolutionize communication. Those dirty fuckers in Silicone valley should be ashamed…

I was expecting this:

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