Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rockstar of the Moment...

Ever wondered what those people on TV mean when they say "I'd hit that..!" whilst simultaneously clutching the crotch of their baggy jeans and moving the tip of their trucker ever so slightly more to the side?

Well we here at Rockstar Journals believe that you don't need to be sporting aforementioned baggy jeans or sideways trucker to put the phrase to use. You see our latest rockstar of the moment has drawn our attention to a different usage of the phrase.

Not since the valiant and plucky effort of the 'Lonely Finger' has anyone produced an effort so laudable that it warranted been bestowed with this honour until now. Yes, Richard Green you are our latest rockstar of the moment...

--------------------------------Richard's threesome.

If you happened to read the back page of Sunday's paper or spend more time on the internet than Ronaldo spends eating pies you'll know that Richie boy is world famous because he convinced his brainless girlfriend to enter into a 3 way carnal passion fest if he got 5 million hits on his website...

You guessed it. He got the 5 million and is currently on 7 419 139 and counting. If he gets to 15 million his 'missus' has committed to a foursome. His young lass the 21 year old Katie Greenwood who is famous in her own right as the girl who shagged Shane Warne.

Now Katie is not exactly the best looking lass on the planent and doesn't cut the high standard set by the RSLJ picture filtering committee, (although this time we'll let it slide) so Dickie doesn't get the award for any efforts in that department but he sure does for pulling the wool over her eyes long enough for him to 'hit' another a chick. Good work Dickie.

Check him out on www.pleasemakethiswork.com and once you've read this post, browse off this page and then click back on us. [we have our own reasons to up our hits...]

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