Friday, June 09, 2006

Tall, Dark & good-looking ...

Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

As befits every true Rockstar - a christening. A baptism into the world of sex, rock n' roll and well, more sex. An initiation into Tom Wolfe's 'true brotherhood' and a sign of the Right Stuff. Though his occassional dalliances with women from the other side of the track would have scarred the reputation of a lesser being, they slide off the big man's shoulders and add to the air of mystery the twinkle toed, lion-hunting DocStar.

So, when he's not out wooing the ladies, saving the lesser spotted Mac1 from fights and scoring doubles on (and off) the field where can this elusive figure be found? Right here at the Rockstar Journals ladies. Ready to answer all your questions with a gentle bedside manner and a soothing guitar solo.

He burst onto the scene 23 years ago to the day, and they say he has a grown a foot for each one. Personally I've only seen about 6'4" of those, but if you're a goof-lookin' broad, and up for a good time, I'm sure he'll show you the rest.

Welcome to the world DocStar.

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