Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Take a long walk, off a very high Cliff ...

I'm sure of it now. I've always known, but now I have proof. Gareth Cliff is an idiot. Now, this is probably no surprise to the majority of you, but just to hammer the point home, I'd like to draw your attention to the October interview with the Cliff in FHM. To avoid accusations of plagiarism (which seem to be flying thick and fast lately) I'm just going to paraphrase. Note, however, that I am not - in any way - exaggerating. He really said this.

When asked what his drug (read alcoholic beverage) of choice was, the Cliff responded that it was without doubt, tequila. The reason? The square bottle means that it doesn't roll away from him when he passes out. Furthermore, he used to drink water, but it has just begun to taste like weak tequila. Honestly. Who says this kind of thing? Where are we - in a public junior school in the south of Joburg? Who tries to impress people by bragging about how much they drink? [Although this quote does confirm the findings of renowned celebrity-baiter, Mac1.]

I'm going to break with tradition here and not post a picture, just on the offchance that people start associating the Cliff with the RSJ. In fact, I vow to never again write about him. Unless he does something even more monumentally stupid. So, maybe.

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