Friday, February 13, 2009

Public Indecency...

The mens change room at the Wembly Virgin Active has a set of public morals unique only into itself and maybe a 4 A.D roman mens only plunge pool and steam bath. The place for a good looking guy is about as safe a muslim lady unraveling her burka in front of in laws.

However, despite the admittedly low threshold of social acceptability in the venue it still has a modicum of decorum, and last night I witnessed it being broken.

Blowdryers are for chicks...

Apparently the current universal trend in anti-curled hair, and a preference for the straight back length has prompted men world wide to add either a GHD or a hairdryer to their grooming arsenal. I shit you not. Now as suitable for comment as this is, we must remember what you do in the privacy of your bedroom remains your prerogative. Breach your actions into the real world and you put yourself up for attack.

As I was attempting a quick exit to escape the towel snapping of the little spandex clad princess with a beard that lurks by the scale I noticed this dude sporting boardshorts and a vest with his head reversed and wedged under the wall mounted hand dryer attempting to airheat iron the wetness in his mullet.

My fuckin´ word, I have seen some weird things in gym but a man double bent over with his head virtually in the urinal trying to blowdry the back of his head is not one of them. Amazing...

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