Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Van Wilder Reads Rockstar
Van Wilder reads Rockstar... would Keith Richards if he could read.

Although we’re well aware of the number of famous readers we have, we don’t usually draw attention to them. We’re not attention seekers; we just happened to be born camera ready. Still, it’s nice to know that we’re doing good in the lives of others.

Some of you know that Van Wilder, when he’s not dressed as Batman, is Ryan Reynolds. Some of you probably know he was engaged to Alanis Morissette. Some you might even know that he’s not anymore. Some of you might need to stop reading your girlfriend’s Heat magazines.

The good news is that following our guest columnist, Ari Goldstar’s, article,Van Wilder Reads Rockstar Ryan decided to follow our lead and upgrade his model for a better version, in this case Scarlett Johansson. Of course this was probably a no-brainer as I imagine having sex with Alanis Morissette is like having sex with a rattlesnake. Except that, at least with a rattlesnake you know what antidote to take.

If I were him I’d be so happy I’d probably just sign the marriage certificate with smiley faces. But it’s okay Ryan, no thanks needed. That’s what friends do for each other. They also let their fiancés have one last night of passion with the Rockstar’s editors. Fact.

Bizarrely it turns out that Keith Richard’s also reads (or has someone read to him) the Rockstar Journals. Paraphrasing from the same guest contributor, Keith told The Times this week “Show me a girl who’s faithful and I won’t believe you”. Or at least that’s what the journalist heard coming out of Keith’s drug-addled coma. He could have just been repeating the recipe for LSD.

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