Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The devil reads rockstar...

Had a discussion recently with a rockstar reader about the direction of the site and its current lack of postings. We made some good points, and made some progressive conclusions. The height of which was that since it´s a lifestyle not just a morass of text uploads it would never actually die, it is inherently immortal, kinda like wingtips brogues.

The devil eye fucks rockstar...

So while you have wingtips on your feet, feel content that you will always have RSLJ on your macbook. Interestingly today we recieved the following sms from a rockstar leader.

¨I was just sitting at a computer on campus reading rockstar and this little black guy next to me saw what I was reading and decided to take it upon himself to convert me. I hope you´re proud of yourself...¨

Fuckin' proud...

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