The warm fuzzy centre of the universe...
A man reaches a point in his life when he stands back and reflects at where he is! It is in this moment of introspection that he realises that the strongest support group he has is those close people around him. No, those people aren't there to only make him feel famous, they are also there to make him the warm fuzzy centre of the universe...

If Hugh Hefner was the man, Brigette, Kendra and Holly would be those people. If our little RSLJ was that man, our readership would be our support group. Please observe this recently received email:
Morning Rockstars
This is a short plea, can someone please help Doc to get his end away or send him for a rub-and-a-tug somewhere. The man has some pent up emotions that need some release, I am a little worried he is going to 'crutch' someone to death on Jammie stairs if he does not get some anger management counciling.
I am jack's healing white ball of light. Unable to play touch, blisters on your hands from long distant...walks to chicken burger queues that weren't there and the bleeding hack of having to dance with one leg can make 4 weeks unbearable.
Step forward through the back door of the room. Into your happy cave. Find you power animal.
It is emails like these, that makes Docstar's last two weeks in plaster a breeze! As for the other venting requirement we are putting out offers for someone to sort that out, because I certaintly ain't!

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