It is with great distain and bitterness that I pen this post, but it is my duty to get this out the way so I am just going to throw out the award.

My anger boils down to the fact that the worthy recipient is a guy I absolutely hate. He is everything I don't like in someone. However despite his horrible assemblage of misfortunate characteristics and the huge burden of having me hate him he still manages to pull something out the bag, something of rockstar magnitude!

The (I bite my tongue) right off that is Pete Doherty has taken his relationship with Kate Moss one step further and knocked the model up, and he has done it properly. Yes, it's true. You will see this week on the skilled purveyor of celebrity gossip,, that there is truth in the rumour. Basically it has been confirmed by Pete's uncle who just so happens to be the couples gardener. I think they meant hydroponic development expert but let's laugh off the details. However, I reserve the right to rescind this award if the uncle is lying...
It is interesting to note that since this article has been up on splattermail for nearly 24hours you will only have to wait another 24 to see the exact version copied in the Joey Miller column on the nadoes site. I love cheap shots...
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