I can understand the latent envy average folk harbour toward those of rockstarish disposition but I implore those people not to think it is all hot women, fast cars and great abs. Fair enough most of it is hot women, fast cars and great abs but there are also things like popular attraction and fame.

May I point out that these aren't necessarily good things. Especially in our country where people hand out celebrity status to people and events just because a royal son of another country attended them...attended the event and to the person!
These two voicemails and the phone conversation might assist in removing any doubt you have about this:
Voicemail 1: "Hey R (probably standing for rockstar). It is Philip here from the Steers Rugby Franchise. I urgently need to speak with you in regard this upcoming season so please phone me back on 083^%^%&)!"
Voicemail 2: (home phone this time) "Hi again Sir. (yes formalities go a further distance) I am again phoning in connection with rugby next year. It is Phil from Steers..."
The first message was garbled and I thought my brain made up the rugby part and it was just a Steers Franchise phoning me. In connection with what I have no clue. However, the second voicemail confirmed my rugby suspicion. Steers Rugby? Never heard of them so didn't return the call. Then I had this conversation this morning:
Phil: Hello Mr Henson.
GH#12: Yes hello.
Phil: Hi, it is Phil phoning again from Steers.
GH#12: [Good god who are the friggan Steers?] Go ahead Phil I'm all ears (and abs).
Phil: I understand you coach at (insert name of successful club rugby side) and I know you guys had a very successful season [told you] and basically I am short of a tight head prop for next year so was hoping you had one we could look at...for the Steers?
GH#12: That sounds fantastic Phil, but sorry, who the hell are the Steers?
Phil: We are a super 14 franchise based in the Eastern Cape...(very quizzical, and irate, tone)
GH#12: Ahhh...the Spears...! [echoed by the deafening sound of a million pin-sized spears dropping to the floor.]
It makes sense that SARFU don't want them to play on the international scene since their dude in charge of recruiting can't even say their name properly.
Incidentally, I spoke to all our props and they would've gone if it were in actual fact a steers franchise, so he shouldn't have bothered clearing up the confusion...
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