It is so rare when something comes along that is blessed with every concievable feature one would require from it. Like Clifton 4; the sun, the sand, the clear water and numerous scantily clad touch supports. Like a chicken burger; nourishing, affordable, satifying and the correct ratio between fats, carbs and protein. Like the Golf V R32; bullish, beautiful, airbags and more watts than a partially deaf guy having a conversation in a crowded bar...

However, somethings actually have all the sufficient requirements, and a lot more. You want an example? Try today's birthday boy. An astute intelligent academic, a charming conversationist, a part time male model and enough of a phenomenal rugby player to remove any concern of campness. Basically he is a born leader with every attribute a guy should have making you wonder if he is the female response to Stepford wives. Unfortunately, hold your enthusiasm ladies, the one thing he is not is a bachelor.
He could be the quintessential rockstar, but that's only if the editorial team stood down from the race. Never mind, Marty, 4th places is pretty special behind us...! Happy 32nd bro...
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