Social Experiment: Part 1 Introductory Brief
I have learnt two valuable things in my relatively short, yet overwhelmingly successful, life. The first is never undo your belt unless you are intending to take off your pants and the second is slightly more complex and far more pertinent so lets deal with that one...
[belt-pant story? Another time, another place dear sir]
The second very important thing I have learnt is that although women can look and act stupid they actually aren't and in coonection with this; although they might not be stupid they still believe just about everything..!
Let me elaborate. To begin I am not just referring to the dumb JHB girl I convinced I was a dolphin trainer at the Aquarium as she is the exception to the idea that girls may not be as stupid as they look. Reverting back to my insistence that women can believe just about everything, it is worthwhile to point out that this can be a very very good thing, however our little social experiment is aiming to challenge this truth.
How you may ask? We are aiming to make them believe something else. To end this background introduction into how this social experiment was born I must explain what brought it about. You see we have a friend that is without doubt the guy with the most important characteristics a guy needs to have to be defined as the perfect friend.
The problem however arrives in that a vast majority of girls don't like him due to a number of reasons. However his lack of social graces and tact are not sufficient reasons for girls to harbour there initial reaction. Girls are, on the most, afraid of his truthfulness whereas in reality it should be the most praised characteristic of any person. Afterall he does call a fat spade a fat spade...
Girls believe they should dislike our SUBJECT. Girls don't believe this because it is true but only because they believe the first thing they hear. If they knew the full extent of him they would hold a very different opinion.
The Experiment:
Let girls know the truth about what type of guy he is.
Girls hold this belief because they are prejudicial, superficial and make judgment calls without proper scrutiny, they also believe anything they hear and form opinions in groups as opposed to by themselves.
[1] Word of mouth: Without forcing the conversation, comment favourably on the SUBJECT whilst in the presence of females who hold this adverse opinion. Be fair and never lie. Only sell the truth. Target gossip girls.
Example: I stupidly ran out of petrol the other night at 2am in the pouring rain, and my friend SUBJECT, came and bailed me out. You must meet him. He is the most trustworthy and reliable guy.
[2] Creation of social scenarios: Place SUBJECT in situations that will only cast light on his favourable characteristics.
Example: Take girl home one stormy night on an empty tank, and phone SUBJECT.
Numerous rockstar guys to 'sell' our product verbally. See method 1. (To apply please email us at
Possible Outcomes:
This might catch on like wildfire and girls all over the planet will be singing the SUBJECT's praises and offering fellatio like peanuts at a beer festival; or my premise that girls believe anything is wrong and he gets fellatio offerings like a registered sexpest would at a parents day.
Watch this space.
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