This serial number 4308\zlx should worry you for two reasons:
1.) You've seen it, played hide the salami and are now in serious danger of fielding a young blue-eyed rockstar baby monster from the loins of that slutty looking red-heel sporting tiger tiger girl that initiated your physical tryst by eye raping you whilst sipping the straw of her Sarita, or not as worse but also bad you have caught what her ex-boyfriend gave her as a going away present. yay!
2.) You're a cheap perverted idiot that doesn't pay for expensive and reliable durex condoms and instead raids the free dispensers on upper campus of 'no choice, no play' government issue rubbers that Manto so lovingly provides gratis.

Here is the thing. The "government" (inverted commas to emphasis the oxymoronic, or just plainly moronic, irony of describing our health ministry as part of a government) this morning recalled roughly 20 million "government" (again) issued condoms. 4308\zlx.
Their reason? "It's just precautionary!"
Oh really, precautionary? That's fine then. No half the population that does choose to choose is no doubt banging away in the toilets of their local shebeen mentally hi5ing Manto for the free protection. Unfortunately, there is no protection from stupidity.

And if you were the guy that went for the snatch and grab on your way out of the rugby club changerooms instead of swinging by the rad new 24hour Engen in claremont, swallowing your pride and the pricetag on durex king size (sorry I can only relate with what I know) then there is no excuse for your stupidity..!
Believe them when they say responsibility starts with you cause our government could be retarded. The news this morning reported a pending investigation over bribery tenders for the manufacture of substandard condoms to pass the stringent quality level tests.
Nice. Corruption permeates into everything and now into the free condom trade. Yay!
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