Mondays are not considered as my best days. In fact from the time by phone starts kicking me out of bed at 7am I hack constantly until about lunchtime, where I get an hour of rebate before having to hack my way back to my bed that evening. Apart from monday girls, monday sucks...
This monday started off less raucous than a muslim brewery tour but took a turn for the worst when I opened up my email inbox. The list of unread emails was long. Too long. It was so long I did the delete every third email trick. Sorry mom.
However, my monday bloomed into unbridled sunshine when I came across an email that survived the 1 in 3 delete ploy! Some things ignite my happy fuse like peanut butter M&Ms, and one of those things is spanish models...

I love Spanish models so much they make me look past things I hate. Spanish models in crocs? Done! My email, my lovely email, was entitled "you've been invited by facebook to be my friend"! The loathing hate bells began to toll but from sheer irritation I open the email to see who the culprit was. Ana Dominguez!!! The Spanish model bell began it's solo rendition of Send in the Clowns... OOOOH BABY!
Ana Beatrize Barros and Adrima Lima were springing up in my brain like naughty little neurons and playing with each other, literally. Oh god I was excited...
For an entire 30secs I pondered casting aside my logic and pride and signing up immediately for FB but then reason stepped in. This hot sounding girl I had never heard of wanted to be my friend! Fuck that, if she was hot, I wanted to be more than friends. So I googled her on the interweb...
Take your pick. I found Ana D the skin care range for metrosexual men, Ana D the octogerian leader of a religious cult (check it out, I promise) and firm supporter of the NYPD and lastly Ana D the weird dancing squatting ripped dykie looking girl. Interesting!
Unperturbed to be heart broken this easily I pursued my probably as yet undiscovered spanish sounding (she could be mexican) model girl.
Eureka. I found her. Rockstars and showstoppers please meet my new best friend:

How hot is she? I told her straight up this friends thing was cute but benefits must either flow quickly, or we must bump it up a notch to I want to be more than just friends...
Sadly, (for me and for the xmas bear collecting candle girl with flattering cleavage) the girl in the picture is not the girl on that sent me a message. My interweb inclined friend logged onto facebook and searched for the real Ana D. She has red hair. Need I say more as to what my friendship reply was?

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