With our pending Idols post just around the corner I wanted to find a decent picture to take your mind backs to our chosen little voice (with boobs) from Idols III. Googling Nicky de Lange doesn't bring you any tasty post-15 minutes of fame mandatory Playboy spreads though, or even the Loslyf version. Instead I got the Nicky fan blog and had the stomach acids scared out of me...

If you are a brave man go check out nickdelange.blogspot.com. Sweet boobs of Free State.! Please meet Ricky from Durban. As if Ricky isn't the perfect small town psycho name already this okes makes the brothers in House of Wax look normal. His interests include: Table Tennis, Rugby, Football, Cricket, Movies, Reading and Nick de Lange.

I'll be the first to admit I have my own little celebrity crush before and in truth the soundtrack of Who's the Boss still gets the little Alyssa Milano hairs on the back of my neck more excited than a redneck at a family BBQ but I never devoted my life to begging people around the world to email me info on her. Check this out:
8/12/2005: She's also wearing that necklace again, if anyone could enlighten me about that, I'd appreciate it too. 8/12/2005: If somebody else has thought of this previously, please just pity my ignorance, but I realised the other day that if you move the 'L' in Lange to the end, you have: angel. No surname could be more appropriate. 8/12/2005: Please, if you have ANY pictures or videos or soundbytes or newspaper clippings or autographs or anything please send it to me at rickystarkey@gmail.com.
Well RickyStarkey you sweaty little fuck. The world has some screwed up weirdos out there but you are leading the national team here. I bet you haven't by any chance fought the urge to sell your body for petrol money yet and road trip across country to follow Bloems favourite starlet on her new groups national tour. I bet you lost that fight when you fought that urge too.

I hope you understand how a restraining order works you crazy fuck...