There are those of you out there that are such ardent rockstar fans that we just have to make the slightest of references to a previous post and you pick up on it quicker than smooth-talker on an easy girl. Here is a perfect example! I used the term 'easy girl' you thought 'fishhoek crackwhore', but today my reference is not to girls from the peninsula with dubious morality but it’s in the title - GMS.
For those of you that aren’t proud fans I will save you the disappointment of realizing it and the hassle of scratching through the archives to sleuth for it. What I refer to is from one of our very first Rockstar Journal Articles. Here ...

Now save me the post space and go read it, I’m only giving you this extract:
For dancing up on the stage was what could only have been a gay male stripper (GMS).
So why do I bring it up you ask, you inquisitive son o’ bitch? Quite simply because the man has surfaced again…
Similar: Just replace hot russian looking girl with apple sourz
Besides a rather embarrassing incident where aforementioned GMS brought rockstar a southern comfort at 10am in the morning and made him down it whilst massaged his bare chest, (could this be the reason he left for Europe?) the AMAZING specimen hasn’t been seen since. UNTIL NOW…
The disturbing thing is the GMS has surfaced in the strangest place possible. UCT Rugby Club. I don’t know how he got there, or where he came from but he is there. I don’t know how security was breached but he got in and someone has to put a stop to it.We have little details at this stage but we know he is a dark greek looking fellow, complete with dubious facial hair, called Dimitri and has a penchant for dressing like a fag, dancing like a fag and wearing gold belts. No-one could call us homophobic because he claims he isn't gay! (well he might be, but just unaware of it...)
The horror of the situation disturbs me, but I will investigate matter further and rid us of this, this, this GMS before the 4th Team forward pack turns into a Sea Point Cabaret freak show…
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