Great Expectations...
"Too whom much is given much is expected...!" We here at rockstar adore this adage as it relates so pertinently to what we are about here. No we are not about giving and expecting, but we were given much so we know that from us much is expected…

Over and above our unmatched good looks, abundant intelligence, sick ass sex appeal, sporting talent that knows no boundaries, EQ that rivals cosmo readers, amazing dress sense, effervescent keyboard skill and our ability to pilfer good looking angels from competing sites we have another quality that is far more important; we have you as a readership. And because this much has been given we are sentient that much is expected…
It is for this reason that we scoured the world for someone that could match the high level of posting that goes on here, someone that would easily fulfill the necessary requirements and then set the bar for some more, someone that despite a busy life and hectic schedule would make time to entertain you as any rockstar would. (he also raised the average height of contributors to above 6’2’’ of which we are immensely proud)

Rockstars and showstoppers we give to you, the Docstar…
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