So necessity is rumoured to be the mother of all inventions. Fair enough, but the adage doesnt end here. Its seems that invention can also be the mother of all indirect quotes...

Dubbed the 'Liquorlock' this nifty little invention is the brainchild of some 'serious' drinker who is, obviously, of the impression that his tipple is so damn important to him that he needs to secure it in his fridge. However the quotes dont end there! These three beauties were actually posted as comments on the page revealing this flava-safe prototype:
- "it'll work until I want the booze so bad I'll just break the neck off" [wow]
- "Whats the point if the bottle is empty?" [double wow]
-"I'll be so hammered I wont remember the code..." [okay stop now]
1 comment:
i remember participitating in a debate with the topic as "Neccessity is the mother of all inventions"
Gr8 blog amazing pics !
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