Here at The Rockstar Journals we realize two things. 1: We know we are better than anyone who cannot sport the rockstar cloak as we do, (they used to be capes but we looked like batman…not that batman isn’t a rockstar but anyway) and 2: that it would seem unfair of us not to give those of you non-RS pointers so you can either make necessary life adjustments or just feel killer pathetic cause the task of making those adjustments is insurmountable.
However it seems we are being successful…
Yes fans, that’s correct! Not only are we brilliant at, inter alia, our sneaky yet effective use of ellipses… but we also get people to make changes that affect their lives. One of our valued readers, who is obviously blessed with more free time than ourselves, brought this interesting news to our attention.
Cast your mind to a posting awhile back concerning the incredibly stupid Dutch-settler name of a potential Idols III contestant. Remember then how pretty 17 yrs Vero-NEEK was cast from the Idols race? Well the pretty little poppie has had a makeover and is back in full force. Turns out she dropped the hideously maties-esque prefix (no doubt thanks to our article) to her perfectly good Anglo name and got a second bite at the Idols apple by getting re-selected in the repecharge stage to make it back into the Top 12.

Thank the Rockstars for bringing back the new and improved Nicky le Grange (I know but we can change that through marriage…) and her gorgeous rack back to our Sunday screens. Unfortunately she still looks like a bonehead with all the make up. Thanks again, to our Anonymous reader for bringing this to our attention, must buy you a beer when you get down here…
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