It’s been a week now. How long can a cat last without the necessary sustenance that it’s owners so lovingly provides? I really thought the weekend would give me a decent enough break in my busy schedule to look for the bleedin thing beyond the boundaries of my palatial estate! It turned out to be too sunny and I had to take my mates to the beach. The beach wasn’t the same without Diego, I had no one to return my glorious beach bat forehands...
We have had two break throughs! The latter far more important, I think. The first was the photo of the peanut butter jar, which was obviously the perpetrators of this ghastly pet hijacking taking the piss by rubbing in the pain of losing one’s feline companion. Or was it?

The lovely people at Caprice sent this in. It’s from the CCTV security cameras installed above their premises. It was taken on the day Diego disappeared. From what it seems the poor little thing strayed down to the Camps Bay strip for a dip in the Atlantic and was heading for sundowners at Caprice when an unknown man in a bird suit (clever) abducted her…
I am confused between believing the kidnappers jestful condiment jar jab or giving up hope that the end has come and so must the tears. I think I need professional help!!! Does anyone have the number of an ace pet detective?
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