Trench Day 153: Surfing...
My employers are fuckin sneaking. They found we have scant aptitude to work all day so in our entire building there is one photocopy machine, two phonelines in working conditions and absolutely no access to email, the interweb, a printer, a is a friggan miracle there is even cellphone reception in my building.
Fuck it is a miracle the building itself isn't condemded. Needless to say I work for the South African government (and you the citizen at home by extension) and come to think of it when the government bought the building 30 years ago it probably was condemned so they could get it at half-price (although they probably said they paid full price and then kept the other half for personal fun) and de-condemned it so we could work in it.
Anyway I suspect the lack of email-interweb access is so the already wayward lazy employees - myself occasionally included - can't play truant on the interweb all day instead of doing the little work we pretend to do. Well didn't we stick one to them when we slipped past security and out of the building an hour early today. Security consists of special forces trained covert military tacticians armed with battaryless handheld communication consols and expired pepper spray. I managed to sneak past and into the free world cause they were all cosily huddled around a hot plate sleeping. Seriously...a hot plate...not a heater...a fuckin hot plate.
Anyway (again) my free stolen hour of truancy allowed me time on the interweb and this is what I found. Fuckin fabulous. Two things. The dudes have acquired a library of shit. They basically surf facebook stealing photos of hot chicks that were dumb enough to post themselves in little clothing to the entire world (except china and SA government employees). Go check this shit out! A taste below. They also have this archive called photobombers. Priceless! Guys who sneak into photos. Some funny shit...if you're bored in the trench with interweb access...

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