Some momentous things have happened in recent times. We finally got
rid Puke Watson. Pi Diddy is on the cusp of hanging himself with his
own whistle lanyard and Michael Jackson faked his own death.
Also South Africa managed to succesfully host a world class soccer
competition. The jury is out as to what exactly was the hilight of the
Confed Cup was but we're confident - more so than in our usual annoying way-
that we know what/who it is. Unfortunately its on our pvr and we
can't show it off. It involves Fernando Torres. It wasn't Torres - although he was good - but it was what he that bought our gift to us...
I can only describe her as 13´s hotter little sister. Infact the sound bite is so sexy I am thinking of appling to Supersport to buy the rights to the ad so I can share it on metube. I would post her on youtube but I kinda want her for myself not for everyone else.

She is South African though - she must be - you see her, you email us.
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