Sold to the man in the funny hat...
South Africa loves to rate itself very highly in numerous things and one such area in which we highly regard ourselves is that of exporting internationally sought after commodities.

Gold and diamonds that dominate the world market have their origins in our deep and open cast mines. We export wine of such a great quality even Italians secretly enjoy it, and recently we have begun distilling market claiming agarve tequila. Our supermodels are everywhere. Our rugby coaches are everywhere and just about every tight five in Europe has a second rower from north of the Jukskei. Some type of pool filtration system, certain attack helicopters and those nifty umbrella shaped outdoor gas heaters all account for South Africa's addition to world technology.
Well step a side, Bakkies, Victor, Pinot rouge and Minki, we have a new export that is making the world dip into their cheque books like an art freak at half price Matisse auction. Ladies and gentleman, item 5 on your auction sheet is Mr Leonard McCarthy.
The former Scorpions boss has jumped ship or should I say shore, and left the flailing boat that was his old employer the DSO thanks to political bullshit and has been scouted and poached by the World Bank as VC for their department of Institutional Integrity.

World Bank big dog Rob Zoellick had this to say, ¨Leonard McCarthy is recognised worldwide for his integrity, independence and effectiveness in fighting corruption and strengthening good governance."
He sounds like such a rockstar we could presume you would want him to headline your country´s anti-corruption unit, unless you were of course a corrupt politician that stood to be investigated by him and you had the power to disband his unit...
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