I feel very much like Thabo Mbeki about now. My head is so deeply buried in the sand of little less important things, that unfortunately do need attention, and I am missing the very important things that require even more attention.
For example, this most recent Sunday saw the unveiling of an historically important event. I would have missed it! Episode 1 of the sequel season to ´only the greatest series ever´ opened on Sunday. What Zimbabwe is to Mbeki, Friday Night Lights nearly was to me...
Thankfully my PVR is faster down the home straight than Oscar Pistorius but even more thankfully my PVR is also far quicker than the pinless wonder off the mark, otherwise the world sprinting records would be held by a machine and I would miss FNL without my machine.
What I love about FNL is how they weave modern day contentious social issues into a fabric of sport, sex, gorgeous girls and football. I don´t repeat myself I only emphasis the important things. In the season opener Julie Taylor, belter daughter of Coach Taylor and supergirlfriend of QB1 Matt Saracen, tries to cheat on our QB1. You see, modern day contentious social issue!
Your girlfriend is either going to try cheat on you or she is going to succeed in doing it without you knowing...
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