One of the beauty's of Europe is that it is the size of your average African dictatorship. Ahem, country. This lack of size, combined with an openess that would not be out of place in Fishhoek high school, makes air travel pretty easy.
Or should do. Luckily, it weighs in at a fairly reasonable price. Of course, I could probably save a few hundred orphans for the cost of a jaunt in Croatia, but what's in that for me. Unless, I were to tell girls about it to get laid. Which I'll probably do regardless - so let's stick with the travel plans.
Now. Air travel. On the cheap. Not too bad you're thinking. Of course it means having to give up airline food (more's the pity) and suffering possible DVT due to my knees being forced up around my ears in the standard 12inch seats. All this I'd be okay with.

But one thing I cannot abide by is the poor attempt at humour. Why, oh why, do they insist on making the same retarded jokes about redistributing your possessions amongst the crew if you leave them behind, about throwing smokers off the plane in mid-air, and about crash landings. Is there anyone else who thinks that every single one of these "cabin crew" are nothing more than failed actors who think my flying pleasure is nothing more than a goddamn stage?
Oh, and while I'm on the subject why is it that I have never seen a good looking air hostess? Outside of the movies, and South America - where all the women look like they do in movies. Hot.

Maybe you should stop flying on the cheap planes and maybe there would be less cheap jokes!!!
Try SAA... They are Kiff!!!
SAA don't fly between European countries. But thanks for the hint.
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