Somebody Kill Me ...
I´ve been meaning to write this post up for ages, but there was the thing with cheerleaders afterwards, and it kind of slipped my mind.
Nonetheless, you have to admire a man who can pull off facial hair. Particularly a moustache. I don't mean just grow one, but actually pull it off. Think Chuck Norris, the Edge and Mahatama Ghandi.
Brandon Flowers is one such man. Key point to being a rockstar - not giving a fuck what anyone thinks about you. You cannot give a fuck if you wear preposterous tuxedo waistcoats with Texan oil merchant ties, have a name that would make Elton John blush and manage to keep your facial topiary in the below condition.

So, hint number 1 that the Brandon is a rockstar. Hint number two would be the thousand or so screaming people just outside of the photo below.

The kicker is of course that he's lead singer of the Killers. Little bit of a giveaway, but I've got space to fill. Those of you who've been studying your GDA/conversion courses for the last couple of years and don't get out much - the Killers are kind of like a modern day Beach Boys - with better clothes. How so,you ask? For starters even if your life has been divided between memorizing balance sheets and looking at kiddie porn you will absolutely know the words to all of their songs. Not just one or two, but all of them. Had you been in a coma for the last decade you would probably still know the lyrics of Mr Brightside. (Of course, this is going on the assumption that, like me, you know all the lyrics to all the Beach Boys songs. Even the B-sides. Which everyone does, right?)
So lying in your beds in the overpriced mountains of Aspen, the sleepy beaches of Cape Town and the accountacy firms of Jo'burg you're probably on the edge of your seats wondering - how were they live?
Although there wasn't much talking to the crowd, who gives a fuck. I went there to here them sing, not listen to his philosophies on life. Every single song was bang on tune, and there was a killer mix of the new Sam's Town stuff and the classics from their first album. I've just seen what I did there - go back and read the previous sentence. That's right - I actually said killer mix. God, that's brilliant. By the far the best concert I've been to and also the only one where every single person (even the one's in standing seats) were on their feet the entire night.
And to top it off, the drummer had a handlebar moustache. Priceless.