Rockstar of the moment…
Its that time of our lives again! The time when we can take some time out and view our social position with a harness of perspective that we previously couldn’t mentally saddle. Yes, rockstars and showstoppers, one of us has stuck his neck out and shone himself out above the bright stars that hang above the earth.
The interesting tale to this success story comes from the fact that he didn’t just stick his hand up. He achieved far greater, he made a comeback! Our man Mick (for rhetorical sake) was riding the crest of an amazing wave, he was achieving goals that left his peers awestruck and yearning to emulate him. Mick was setting records and was threatened with the pinnacle of success that we would even adopt him into our full colours rank. However, Mick put his one foot (he can’t really put them both down) in the wrong place, and he fell from grace.
A senior RS member once made the same mistake with the very same girl, but we forgave Docstar with time. Mick rewrote history and leapt up from the depth of embarrassment 3 nights later.
In many cases actions can speak louder than words but in this case Mick wasn't protecting the rocky shores of Sparta with physical heroics he was display the most important founding virtue a man can possess, and he was doing it with speech. Mick was being honest..!
In many cases actions can speak louder than words but in this case Mick wasn't protecting the rocky shores of Sparta with physical heroics he was display the most important founding virtue a man can possess, and he was doing it with speech. Mick was being honest..!

[The events leading up to this point are fairly sketchy but it suffices to say it involved an oblivion bottle of wine, Gav as a great wingman and a strange scenario with a Barrister's waitress and a masters thesis on economics.]
Here is where Mick rocked our world -
Freshly naked loony masters student: Oh Mick, before we go any further [ample bossom swaying in the breeze] please do tell me! What are you going to think of me tomorrow?
Mick poised in attach position: [pensive pause of thought] Look, I'll be honest, I am not a doos, but there is an overwhelming chance that I'll never phone you after this..!
Freshly naked loony distraught masters student: - gathered up masters student uniform and made a quick exit through the front door.
Honesty builds nations Mick. We salute you...