A lot more you would expect...
Right now I am kinda disappointed. Almost like a RSJ reader at present since the lazy people in charge of posting have being living up to their superlative and haven't posted anything substantial of late. I won't apologise for the Rock and The Doc and will just say I've had mitigating circumstances.

This year has not been" usual". They split the states into north, south, east and west and hold knock out competitions through online voting until we have a girl flying the flag of each region. Now the first girl is okay. I think the use of 'okay' says it all. The second girl looks like a poor man's Jennifer Love Hewitt. The 3rd slut I mean girl looks like all her brothers and sisters across the south of America have wifi and voted for her while slopping out the pig stys. The last girl is actually a belter but I am not sure if that's cause of the company she is keeping or cause she actually is one.

The fact remains. If these are the 4 hottest college girls in America right now, I am doing my masters degree at home...