Dear Sir or Hot Ma'am,

I have recently become very close with the aforementioned GH#12 through a commercial

Not enjoying the man's fast wit, humble demeanour and incredibly good looks can be very taxing on an individual; and as such much of the world beyond cape town is in a demur disposition at present since they cannot share the radiance of the man that you do.

Don't stress though, you are in his thoughts as he toils with the 100 page information guide and the easy to use universal remote control and again lucky for you he is a fast learner and will be done soon. Further in your own interests is that once he has master it he will not have to spend time away from you in fear of missing anything multichoice has to offer as he can just record it to his 80 hour video hard drive. Lucky you!!!
His PVR is even so advanced it learnt how to crack into Mr Henson's blogger account and how to type. Unfortunately it could only post pictures like those you have witnessed.
Kind regards,