Autumn Break..!
The summer hangover has probably reached its zenith for most of you and the hard slog of varsity or, god-help-you, work is taking it's toll. It is a strange part of the year when everyone is dead keen to start afresh yet no one has fully given up on the party ideas from yester-month...
That's what is great about summer holidays in the Southern Hemisphere. They coincide with religious festivals, hence our secular states enforce work holidays and bang just like that you are seaside with hurricane glass and an umbrella.
Now depending on what is your particular brand of vodka some of you might have foregone this solar opportunity and headed Northward for some easy dead presidents, easy american ass, plentiful clean powder and apparently very flexible narcotic controls.
I for one would never consider abandoning summer for winter. However, autumn follows summer and spring follows winter...and from what friends in the North say, spring kicks autumn in the balls...