Storm in a bathtub...
I wrote this post yesterday but the dodgy library server crashed just before I hit the climax button and the thing was lost forever. It was a remarkable post uncovering a brewing storm (in a bath) of sorts but alas the window of opportunity is fast closing and I fear this is to little too late.
It is worthy to mention that the post was typically awesome. It was full of witty insightful phrases, thought provoking comments and ball-stretchingly funny quips. The content was rather average but it did involve pictures of Minki Van der Westhuizen.
I washed my brain stem out with SABmiller products last night just to disinfect it after all the horrid law info it imbibed during the exam period and am afraid I washed away the memory of my lost post, but believe you me, it was fucking awesome.
So yesterdays post in a nutshell:
Some dude got hold of private soft porn 'preferrably-for-personal-use-only' home digital images of the famous Minki sipping champagne in a bathtub with very little except clear water guarding her (and I mean this) very 'nice!' body. Basically her taut ass is hidden like the seabed of clifton 4th on a good day. [that clever little reference wasn't used yesterday but I like it, and it works]
Anyway moving the nutshell along, the photo possessor obivously was in Minki's inner circle and held these due to the confidence Minki had in him not showing them to the world. I am guessing brother, dodgy uncle, gay friend or now-fat-semi-talented-exboyfriend? So the dude put them up for auction online ala Rick Salamon/Kev Federline, except unlike Rick he didn't do it for money (retard) and unlike Kev he actually had the stuff. ------------Down to the final 3 for "WHO WANTS TO BE THE LUCKY DEFEDANT"
But here is the kicker. Two kingpin sites in the SA/Cape Town web community were involved in attaining the posts. Seth from 2oceansvibe took the higher moral ground and refused to post the pictures, or he in actual fact just had full knowledge of the possible legal ramifications. However, the boys from were not as bright; posted all 3 pics and to add tact to stupidity are running a competition to see who can guess the man who sent in the photos.
Kinda makes you remember those "good idea, bad idea" cartoons, except here instead of dying you stand getting sued by the company that pays huge tin to contract Minki into all the rights of any photographic content she may feature in.
Looking forward to a backlash.
[oh and the pictures are pretty awesome, in the thoughts of Borat; I'd definitely be inclined to maki de sexi time wid her!]
1 comment:
She certainly is one of Cape Town's finest.
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