These people have to be stopped. Either their cars need to be impounded or their brains need to be reconfigured because what they are doing is pretty much hacking up the lives of many others.
It is trite traffic law that you do not, under any circumstance, cross a lighted intersection if you are not one hundred percent sure you will make it all the way clear through. Oh why you ask you dumbass inbred commuters? Very simply because if you don't make it across and you pathetic nissan micra gets stranded in the middle of the intersection you block a clear passage for perpendicular traffic when the light changes for them...

I would assume you think it is too your advantage to be stuck in the middle of everything like Ridge Forrester in a 3 way but come the fuck on! Staying on your side of the little white line until the next light change over is no different, except in the latter I am not tempted to drive the 'lady of ecstasy' on the hood of my car through your temple...

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