(It was a dark and stormy Cape Town winters day and the UCT Commerce Computer Labs were full. Enter the two lead characters from right of stage...)
Fat, Balding, Spectacled Guy (FBSG): Let's open g-mail accounts together
(unwittingly or not initiating a bout of flirty banter as graceful as the Bolshoi Ballet)
Afrikaans Red-haired Girl with Hairlip (ARGH - see what I did there): But I are not knowing how
FBSG: Thats ok I will guide you through it
ARGH: What must I put my address as?
FBSG: Whatever you want
ARGH: Do I have to make it my name?
FBSG: Whatever you want
(She gets worked up, unleashing a barrage of questions at the unassuming FBSG and seeming as though her red hair is about to catch on fire for real)
ARGH: Do I have to put my surname as well? Should I put a dot between my name and surname because I've seen lots of people with that. Why's it not working?
(He pays her a compliment in a blatant attempt to sweet talk her into bed)
FBSG: You're a clever girl, I'm sure you can work it out
ARGH: Dankie. I like your boep. Let's go naai.
(They exit the stage to the right, leaving the only audience member nauseous)
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