The 13th of August came and went for many of you out there like any lazy end of winter sunday should. A nice little breakie here, and a spot of gym there. Maybe a round of golf or any past time soaking up the Cape Town winter sun before settling into reruns of Desperate Housewives and CSI.

That is how you spent the day. However, half the female population of the Cape was not so laid back and carefree. Instead many women stalked around exchanging shifty glares and knowing looks. The day meant something to them, and it made them tingle inside.
You see yesterday was the birthday of a man that changed the face of drunken night frolics with single women. The advent of his masterful technique meant no longer would one of these late night trysts leave the man satisfied and the obliging lady unfulfilled.
When the hallowed holy man Vatsyayana heard about the technique he said, "Dean my boy, you've done well!"
Happy Birthday big guy, where ever you are...
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