(sung to the tune of Waltzing Matilda)

Somebody wrote in and asked me what it is I have against Australians (cf. James Bond post). It's not that I have anything against them - just that I think that they are arrogant, inbred, brash, inbred, overachievers who were all bred from one tiny genetic pool of reprobrate prisoners sent there by Her Majesty's government to die.
Now we know from our own experience here in South Africa that putting people on an island and hoping they'll just go away isn't the best idea - mostly because they won't - they'll come back and take over. So maybe Her Royal Highness erred a little here.
Even so though, they should all be extinct by now, but instead they're winning more Olympic gold medals per capita than any other country. Now this might sound like sour grapes, hell, it may even be sour grapes except for one thing. They cheat. This is a fact. Everyone knows it, and they don't even try deny it.
In the past two years doping scandals have surface involving almost every known Australian rugby player, and yet, not one of them has been suspended. It has all been dealt with 'internally'. As if. Whatever.
Sorry, my 17 year old, uh, female companion, got hold of the keyboard there.
So, so far, we have qa nation of lying, cheating, inbreds. Added to this, they're inherently racist. Now, I realise that we lack the moral high round here, but we didn't exactly prance around in big dumb hats with corks hanging off them criticising anybody else's domestic policy, did we. In fact , while Australia were imposing sanction on apartheid SA, there was a law floating around Oz which allowed for Aboriginal hunting. Not cool.
I could go on, but as I type I'm foaming at the mouth and the people around me are getting that wide-eyed 'fetch-the-pitchfork' look. God, these people make me mad. Hate inbreds.
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