2D or not 2D...
Everything seems to be taking a turn for the better. Summer pokes her lovely face at us with more regularity as the days go by, with the end of exams comes the start of a long well-deserved holiday and this weekend signals the end to the excruciatingly painful farce of a so-called Premier Rugby competition the Currie Cup.
Yes I would prefer the aforementioned Summer to be the gorgeous starlet one from the OC and that she wasn’t just poking her face at me, and I would prefer it if exams were actually over let alone not even begun and I REALLY would prefer it if the Blue Bulls weren’t in line to win their 4th CC title, but in an imperfect world the mere end of the most boring sporting show on earth is enough.
---------------------------------Facet 1: Physics 900 v 700
Not surprisingly in the little tip of Africa we call home there are people (entire cultural groups of people) that totally disagree with me and are actually excited for the prospect of witnessing meatheads dressed in blue running headlong into a wall of defence over and over again until their superior weight advantage drives them past the wall and into the in goal area so they get an opportunity to watch their favourite son attempt to kick a ball through a couple of posts.
Everyone accuses Blue Bulls rugby of being one-dimensional! Utter lies, it is two-fold:
Facet 1: Blue-clad bonehead running into wall.
Facet 2: Blue-clad boy kicking ball.I find it strange that people enjoy both these facets of SA rugby with such vigour. Besides the added perks of eating copious amounts of pre-packaged dried meat and swigging from brandy polluted buddy coke bottles whilst watching it there must be two explanation for why 50 000 of aforementioned bonehead supports (also clad in blue) pack an over-sized concrete lunchbox to witness the event.
They all are either astute students of the science of physics or it is their Tow-truck heritage that accounts for their excitement. Only a really commited scientist would be fascinated time and time again by the obvious truth that 900 kilograms of (blue) meat will, without fail, manage to push through, past or over a pack of meat of less magnitude. I think it is Newton’s 2nd law (or maybe his 1st or 3rd) but it’s an absolute truth. It’s physics. And if it is not for their scientific background it is because of their tow-truck affiliations. They just live for a collision, quite literally as it accounts for their income and hence their livelihood. Kind of like how all the tow-truck drivers in America watch NASCAR.
Maybe Rassie Erasmus’s shrewd and credibly intellectual coaching demeanour will rub off on his wall of defenders and they may actually turn a ball or two over and keep it away from the blue brainless lump heads and do something with it that might be worth watching but then again this is an imperfect world…[and while we tempting fate, maybe Supersport can broadcast the NPC final, pretty please]
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