The most important thing about any match up is that the competitors are fairly matched. If there is an underdog challenger he needs to have the mettle to fight it out with the incumbent champ. Some fights just aren´t fair whereas others are brilliant.
Buzz Aldrine v Buzz Lightyear. Fair!
Komodo dragon v Velociraptor. Fair!
Freddy Mercury v Mika. Fair.
Pepsi v Coke. Fair.
Sharks v Stormers. Unfair.
Bishop Mvume Dandala v Jacob Zuma. Unfair!

Pointing fingers?
The challenging political party named the honourable Bishop Mvume Dandala as their candidate to run against the overwhelmingly stronger ANC, who still has JZ as their party candidate.
One is a man of the cloth, the other the man of the loin cloth and shower and fraud charges and political meddling and machine gun. The mind boggles...
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