My uncle used to say that a blessing in disguise is not so much a blessing as a candy coated kick in the balls. At least, he would have said something like that if I'd grown up in Boston. With Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.
Mind you, here it kinda applies. Excpet you get all the candy, and I'll be taking the kick in the balls.
Like all rockstars, I'm readily aroused and never satisfied, so when I got invited to climb Everest (Mount Everest to ordinary folk) I jumped (at) the opportunity. Not wanting to miss too much of the Cape Town summer, however, I figured I'd just make it a quick jaunt arount Tibet, grant the Dalai Lama an audience and check out Base Camp. Any longer and the groupies might get restless. So as of Saturday, I'm going to be getting a routine kick in the balls from my custom built RX-7 mountain bike for a thousand or so kilometres and you'll be getting the candy.

Don't worry I'll bring you back something nice. A rock or something.
No, that's not a proposal girls. Get off the phone with your mum.
No, that's not a proposal girls. Get off the phone with your mum.
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