Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My uncle used to say that a blessing in disguise is not so much a blessing as a candy coated kick in the balls. At least, he would have said something like that if I'd grown up in Boston. With Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.
Mind you, here it kinda applies. Excpet you get all the candy, and I'll be taking the kick in the balls.
Like all rockstars, I'm readily aroused and never satisfied, so when I got invited to climb Everest (Mount Everest to ordinary folk) I jumped (at) the opportunity. Not wanting to miss too much of the Cape Town summer, however, I figured I'd just make it a quick jaunt arount Tibet, grant the Dalai Lama an audience and check out Base Camp. Any longer and the groupies might get restless. So as of Saturday, I'm going to be getting a routine kick in the balls from my custom built RX-7 mountain bike for a thousand or so kilometres and you'll be getting the candy.

No, that's not a proposal girls. Get off the phone with your mum.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Today at 16h20 SA time, Usain Bolt will jog the 200m men´s final in an attempt to be the first dude since Carl Lewis in 1984 to win the sprint double. The kid turns 22 tomorrow and his brazen youthfulness runs riot when he performs on the world´s biggest sporting stage.

Watching him run the semi-final yesterday was a joke. It made me admit that this guy should be tested. Not necessarily just for steroids but more importantly for human DNA. Can you be stripped off a medal for testing positive for extra-terrestrial origin?
His Dad attributes his pace to a diet of yams. By jupiter my fridge is now full of yams. If he breaks Johnson´s 19.32s just now, I am replacing my blood plasma with yam juice. His PB is 19.67.

Lucky man...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008

Made of fast...
We were have been saying it for months now but to sit down and watch Bolt perform this weekend has been something very special. The kid is a true Rockstar. Chilled, relaxed, jovial and so quiiiick its ridiculous. He destroyed his world record on Saturday but did so running for Olympic gold. The only thing he worried about was placing first, not his time...

One thing is for sure. When this guy settles down and decides to break his world record by perfecting his start, concentrating on himself and not glancing to the other lanes while he runs and then running all the way through the line, he will run an incredibly special time. Only one man will ever to be able to break that time, and that will be him...
Bolt first, daylight second and third, the man is made of fast...
And just to add some speculative spice. He is 21. Looking at home he runs, I reckon he'll clean up the 200m this week and possibly break Michael Johnson's record BUT I don't see why it isn't possible that in London 2012 he doesn't fetch the gold in the 100, 200 and 400m. His victory lap on Saturday was a sub 50 and he was carrying a flag and stopping for photos. Watch this space...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Olympics so far has been sensational. I don´t actually think that, nor have any factual basis to prove that as I haven´t watched much yet. However, any event on the world stage that advocates good looks over other talents is my kind of sensational. Faster, higher, stronger...and better looking..!

Fat opera 6 year old singers aside, the Games are getting taken the fuck over my Phelps and his frictionless swimsuit. His name is in every headline, the only performance that will reach the news worthiness of Phelps gold string of medallions will be Roger Federer´s non-performance by getting asswhipped by James Blake. Until Saturday that is...

The Athletics kick off in the Bird nest tomorrow and the first hour of events include Round 1 of the men´s 100m. Oh fuck me this is going to be pretty. The men´s final is on Saturday...

This is what we´re waiting for...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Poverty doesn´t cause AIDS either...
For all Thabo Mbeki´s famous and infamous actions his legacy will never contain anything bar one particular statement he made. The magnitude of it was so controversial it will go down in SA history as the hallmark of his presidential tenure. He has para-quoted (like paraphrased but orally) as saying, ´HIV doesn´t cause AIDS, poverty and no education do!´
If you look at the issue of causality he isn´t a hundred percent incorrect, just taking a very ambition step toward generality. I am sure Edwin Cameron would argue that poverty and a lack of education didn´t contribute to his status. However, it is fair to admit that part of Mbeki´s remarks were correct.
New information has come to light disproving Mbeki´s claim.
Sam Kikine – head of the International Traditional and Medicine Research Council – at a KZN public hearing on legislation disbanding the Scorpions had this to say:
Why have the Scorpions not investigated Wouter Basson and the CIA, who have created this AIDS?
Let´s keep the Scorpions debacle and the Basson investigation aside as separate issues and rather focus on the submission that the CIA (that is short for the Central Intelligence Agency, as in the one from America) have created this AIDS?
THIS Aids? Give us our free? As if his organization the ITMRC isn´t enough of a linguistic conundrum he then rubs us up with a quote concerning THIS Aids. Well, strap me to an ambulance stretcher, take me to a state hospital, bind me in bedclothes and feed me garlic and African potato I have never heard such an outrageous unsubstantiated conspiracy theory in my life.
The CIA started Aids? I suppose they start Aids to confine Africa to 3rd world debt, an international oil crisis to keep the middle East at war, hiphop to keep their local african american population from revolting and country western to keep the Rednecks from crossing the northern Louisianna border.
No doubt...
Monday, August 11, 2008

Thursday, August 07, 2008

A designer of the most amazing cars, dies on a scooter!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
I am not entirely sure whether I have mentioned this to you - I may have in passing - but I have definitely mentioned this to myself countless times. Cape Times rugby 'writer' Ashrak Mohamed is a fool! Not just your typical foolish man, but a full blown village idiot.
Third Force as he is affectionately known is celebrated for his subjetively, factless rugby journalism that makes a mockery of the your early morning sports read. His stupidity is so far fetched its actually funny. I think they should take his opinion column and place it between Calvin&Hobbes and Madam&Eve. Yes, thats it. In place of that weird slug and duck cartoon.
This mornings gem is about why he thinks PDV is a fool (so far correct, but why is where he loses sanity) for not letting Ryan Kankowski play against the Pumas on Saturday. Newspapers and the interweb have been reporting Kankowski's current injury layoff since Sunday.
Nice one Ash-fact.
And here is a picture of a fake Ronaldo just for fun...

And his ex-doll for more fun...

Monday, August 04, 2008
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008