Stupidity is contagious… No sooner than I have turned my back on SA outrageous political shenanigans and bang I am left yards off the pace of unbelievable on-goings. I think I have caught up somewhat. Lets see:
Phase 1
Johannesburg - Cosatu General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi has been given 14 days by the SA Human Rights Commission to retract his "kill for Zuma" statement made at the weekend.
"We gave Vavi 14 days to unequivocally retract his statement made at a funeral on Saturday," said the SAHRC in a statement on Tuesday.
Vavi? What happened to Malema? Oh wait, I see, another fool has gone and walked in the same steps that superdouche Malema took a week ago. Stupidity must be contagious.

Phase 2
"They will have to learn the facts. I am not going to waste my time with the human rights champions of yesterday.
"They must first appreciate what I said in totality," said Vavi.
Vavi defends himself, based on what? Let’s give him the opportunity to show us the ‘totality’ of the context in which he spoke at this funeral.
Phase 3
"I went further to say yes, for one another and for our leaders we are prepared to lay down our lives. Yes, for our revolution we are prepared to shoot and kill. I singled out [African National Congress leader] Jacob Zuma to make an example.”
“I said because Jacob Zuma is one of us and is one of our leaders, for him and for our revolution we are prepared to lay down our lives and for him we are prepared to shoot and kill."
Thanks for bringing that to our attention Mr Vavi but you seemed to have missed the point, and a few others, but let’s not even get sidetracked by your mythical revolution, that was 15 years ago.
In truth Mr Vavi I am struggling to reconcile how you manage to reduce ‘laying down your life’ to mean the same things as taking the lives of others by ‘shooting and killing’. It would seem to be that your defense of your public statement was that you meant you would give YOUR life for the cause, and whilst this is an admirable and loyal stance which I am sure your leader will appreciate I struggle to see how repeating the ‘shooting & killing’ admission instead of replacing it serves the purpose of your defense?
I know. Why do you again refuse to apolgise, and then have to go to so in front of the HRC. Then I presume you won’t attend that, in which case they will hopefully apply to the Equality Court for an order convicting you of contempt of court (see you in Pollsmoor, albeit briefly) and preventing you from ever saying something so stupid again. Vavi, “it is better to sit there silently and be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and let all doubt be removed”.
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