We missed something blonde and gorgeous...
wanna know how to fuck, look, and be like us? email rockstarweb@gmail.com
"We gave Vavi 14 days to unequivocally retract his statement made at a funeral on Saturday," said the SAHRC in a statement on Tuesday.
"They will have to learn the facts. I am not going to waste my time with the human rights champions of yesterday.
"They must first appreciate what I said in totality," said Vavi.
"I went further to say yes, for one another and for our leaders we are prepared to lay down our lives. Yes, for our revolution we are prepared to shoot and kill. I singled out [African National Congress leader] Jacob Zuma to make an example.”
I look forward to Malema's keynote speech next week when he headlines the Previously Disadvantaged Indaba that is being held in Beijing, I mean Queenstown, I mean Chinatown...
Well you know what they say about a fool and their life being easily parted. Although the article published in The Star (I am in jozi boet) this morning isn´t very accurate.
The inaccuracy of the article lies in two possible areas, firstly by the youth of the country young Juilius I assume only means the youth in the context not extending beyond the scope of the ANCYL, and secondly that in the event that the eponymic Julieye is referring to the youth of SA in its entirety the article is wrong as it means to read ´would die because of ANC...´!
The direct quote: ¨We are prepared to die for Zuma! We are prepared to take up arms and kill for Zuma. Apparently the crowded laughed and clapped...¨
He also went on to say that those (referring to current people in positions of authority within the party) who had said they would not be available for positions in the new government should leave now...
Forever young, I want to be forever young...
Obviously you are not very familiar with how service delivery works there hey big guy. You certainly strike me as a talented young mind there Malema, I look forward to your transition to seniority... Fool! Who do you think will take over the jobs of Alex Erwin and the other two cabinet ministers who have chosen to step down when they do? Maybe a youth league fool? That would convenient hey dude...?
Oh no, wait - I've seen this one. Now, I have some experiments of my own to go perform.