The Flying...
Thankfully our rockstar web (revel in my witty play on words) creeps further around the surface of the globe than most would expect. We're so clever, handsome and inciteful (sic - meant insightful) that you're actually a moron to think our influence doesn't extend so.
Well it does, and as a result our sharp rockstar prodigies in far away countries are poised, shoulder blades against the bar surveying society like they own it. Which, if they are employing all the skills they've been taught and talents they've been given they do own it!
Own it sweetheart, own it own it...
So you wondering what this has to do with caravans. Very simply our foreign rockstar scout spotted this in Austin, Texas (where he bangs the College quarterback's little sister) and thought he'd send it in so we could share it.

Truly amazing...

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