I've recently been introduced to the idea of Karma. Not so much introduced as slammed face first into it. Those of you who don't have vodka with your cornflakes in the morning probably remember I mentioned taking a little jaunt on a 60 ft yacht for a week. Good times. So far, so good.
Now, I'm a good person - I pay my taxes (they're automatically deducted) I don't kick cripples etc etc (I'm running out of things to say here). If I were Catholic I'd be holding my hand out for Sainthood. As it is, I dedcided to take a week out of my busy schedule to go throw a few hands of poker, catch a tan and drink some Croatian beer. Imagine my surprise then when I arrived onboard he HMS Madonna with my posse (always wanted to say that) to find not the group of Swedish supermodels I expected but instead some remnant's o Noah's Ark. I tried to capture a few on camera for you but even on a wideangle lens I could only get the smallest 4.

After a while, we started running through what we had done to deserve such a fate. It turns out that mocking fat girls, being better than everyone else and not being afraid to tell them it don't qualify as being a nice person in some people's books. Now, at this stage I had to choose in following Earl's example in trying to rectify all the things I've done wrong. I gave this some serious thought, but in the end realised if it's taken 23 years for this catch up to me I should be fine for the next 23.
I did manage to bump into a couple of girls one night - didn't think you'd believe me so I got their autograph the morning after.

Screw Karma.
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