After a long and completely unjustifiable absence I am back. A thousand apologies. I hate being away from you.
Now we here at the Rockstar Journals consider ourselves social commentators. Hence, generally the blog contains superbly well-written articles about subjects we find interesting or things we have observed in the world around us. Sometimes however, we just get up to such cool shit that the site is used as a vehicle for personal story telling or news conveyance.
Regular readers (stay tuned for our regular readers rewards program) may well have noticed that I have mellowed out alot and it has been many moons since my last outburst of rage. This is probably due to the fact that i'm having the most awesome time of my life.
In private correspondence with GH#12 a while back, I said that I would post a wrap-up of the X Games weekend. So severely has time run away that the event was in fact 3 weekends ago. Conveniently, I have had two further "rock out with your cock out" weekends since.

The next weekend we returned the favour and visited the Vail kids. We bundled 5 people (including the South African snowboarding legend, the Flying Peppadew), 4 boards and a significant amount of poison into the 2007 Grand Cherokee (oh yeah) and drove through and Friday night to stay in a 3 bedroom house which already had 15 residents. We woke up the next morning with headaches all round and the peppadew in jail for urinating on a car. The official police term for this is depositing waste materials. Hilarious. By the time we had bailed this delinquent out and got out on the slopes it was after 12 which gave us just on 2 hours of riding before the guy who sleeps in banks tore his acl. Great host...To his credit, this didn't stop him from joining us for the Fray concert that night. Another great weekend down.

So, there you have it guys and girls. The 3-in-1 weekdn wrap. I will do my best to keep the posts more frequent although now that Gh#12 is back at varsity he should be as prolific as last year.