Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007
She shot me down Bang Bang…

The life I lead is not exactly sufficient to earn me the title of a Gonzo journalist. The conspicuous

Beyond my commitments the time I have reserved for my social life is one of the 3 weekend nights. I realise that this reduces me to a retired student but come talk to me when you get your 2nd degree. The point on which I endeavour this rambling to finally fall is that because I hardly go out, when I do I aim for it to be for a special reason. And it was special, and eventful enough to warrant a post…
[Had I in fact been a real journalist I may have had the skill to write that all in a lot less line space and since I’m not you can’t blame me...]
The special event to warrant me venturing off my coricraft was the recent opening of a new club in town and I wanted to go check it out, The Bang Bang Club.

Affectionately known as Bang Bang, the place has been an inadvertent victim of suspense marketing. You know how manufactures let your know about their latest product and then don’t release it for 2months so you build up anticipation and interest because it’s something you want but can’t have? Think Xbox 360, or don’t, anyway this happened here.
Pronounced to open at the beginning of November 2006 the compact building in Loop street didn’t get to open it’s doors until last week, February 2007. The reason for this was the sneaky intervention of competing clubs like Opium and Chrome who have the financial sway with the powers that be to prevent a start up from impinging on the lucrative season market. What they didn’t bank on was an irate public building interest to finally go check the place out that had been spoken of at such lengths…
The venue is pretty sick to say the least! An ornate entrance hall takes you to the bottom of a sweeping staircase. Standing at the bottom you look heavenward onto a 20ft wide poster of a blonde Guess girl that would make Hell a worthwhile place to visit she kept the gate of Hades and you just got to see her upon arrival…

The medium sized club is spaciously set out with the very high ceiling and split level design giving you that school boy feeling of sitting in the cavernous chapel on a Sunday night after a long weekend shaking with anticipation to share weekend escapade stories with your peers. The venue is decked out to the max with flash finishes that don’t err on the side of overkill, plasma screens, impressive sound equipment and get this big fuck off air-conditioners that make the inside of a walk in fridge humid. Seriously the place is so well ventilated you could kite surf your fishbowl, but when you (and I quote a major shareholder) ‘owe the bank a million rand’ you get your monies worth.
The only bizarre thing about the place is the upstairs loft area that sports leather couches and a view of the bar craving people below doesn’t have a bar. Okay, not having a bar upstairs is not really as bizarre as the reason. The reason is they do, they just put a dry wall around it. They built a fantastic bar at the far end of upstairs with the access stairs on the other. The problem came when the council decided that upstairs meant they exceed the allowed floor space of the venue. But to solve the problem they closed access to the bar instead of getting creative about it and block off the first part and keep the bar…
(Call me naïve, call me sexist, call me judgmental but you can’t call me wrong on this. I don’t have pretty digital photos of the place to give you a visual idea because taking a digital camera out with you to a club is an idiosyncrasy reserved for girls so just deal with that. If you want to know what it looks like, get off your ass and go check it out or I suppose you can get one of your chick mates on facebook to post her photos of it on there…fag.)

Bang Bang could easily be the new best thing in town…
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I am contemplating a career in event organisation. It doesn't sound too tricky and if you're good at it, and it's not rocket science, you can make a decent turnover. There is obviously a long history of failed events that were just plain pathetic (think all you can drink keg party at Oudekraal including free wors roll and party bus) but I reckon I have a future....

The plan. Large low cost venue that can fit as many overpriced ticket bearers in as possible. Some form of entertainment, famous or otherwise. A "no booze through venue gates" policy, with overpriced alcohol available inside for your captive market. Security, to enforce said policy. And a catchy name...

One problem. I think I have been beaten to it and by someone far bigger than me and far more able to incur heavy financial losses..! I talk of Coke Cola Ltd and 5fm productions. They have brought us the sequel to last years COLAB extravanganza...!
I heard COLAB was pretty sweet. A normal entrance fee of 350ZAR, a couple of decent bands, and queues longer than Argentinian national anthem for the beverage stands. Apparently the queue for the ladies was so long they were handing out re-entrance tickets for those who wished to join the back of the queue which was out the gate.
However 2007 is a bounce back World Cup year so they powers behind our live entertainment sector have squashed the ante with a rejuvenated plan for a 12 hours Cock fest, I mean Columbian Coke fest, I mean...MY COKE FEST 2007..!!!!

Okay B team aside, the COKE FEST, (I love saying it quickly) also inculdes the no sarcasm here 3 Doors Down and is headlined by Guns n' Roses. I am actually a 3DD fan but I am also a 36DD fan so I suppose thats irrelevant but having GnR is pretty wild. I can't really remember any of their musice but they are on enough vintage tshirts to assure them a decent modicum of fame and respect. (the bearded non-linguist at MacHarry's sports one and he started the crocs phase so back the fuck down any detractors)

A fifth band is still to be confirmed...
Anyway was real gripe is how the fuck can you name your event something so close to ridicule and ambiguity that the public are going to come up with it's own nom de plume to hide their embarrasment at admitting they spent their weekend and 4 hard earned buffaloes at a Cock fest, I mean Coke fest... It's like your kid walking late into class and the teacher enquiring, "Are you Gaylord?". "No ma'am, I'm greg...!"
In our language admitting to a Coke fest visit means you either spent saturday night at TinRoof at 3am or Opium's ladies toilets at 3am. Either way, not something you want to shout out across a room.
I will eat the paper this is written on tomorrow if they announce that the 4th band is Snow Patrol but then again I don't believe november rumours from 3ft high dwarves that also say they DJ and have a Z card...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A) University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

We give to the world every day by blessing it with our presence but now we've decided that not everyone deserves this. Its aboput time we gave to the few people we actually like.
Do you consider yourself a regular reader? Did you get goosebumps when you read our first post ever? Have you laughed with us and cried with us? If so then you may just be suitable to join the Faithful, the Rockstar Journals' regular readers rewards program. E-mail us at rockstarweb@gmail.com and tell us about your favourite Rockstar Journals article, rockstar moment, or what being a rockstar means to you to apply. Hey, you may even get yourself published.
After a long and completely unjustifiable absence I am back. A thousand apologies. I hate being away from you.
Now we here at the Rockstar Journals consider ourselves social commentators. Hence, generally the blog contains superbly well-written articles about subjects we find interesting or things we have observed in the world around us. Sometimes however, we just get up to such cool shit that the site is used as a vehicle for personal story telling or news conveyance.
Regular readers (stay tuned for our regular readers rewards program) may well have noticed that I have mellowed out alot and it has been many moons since my last outburst of rage. This is probably due to the fact that i'm having the most awesome time of my life.
In private correspondence with GH#12 a while back, I said that I would post a wrap-up of the X Games weekend. So severely has time run away that the event was in fact 3 weekends ago. Conveniently, I have had two further "rock out with your cock out" weekends since.

The next weekend we returned the favour and visited the Vail kids. We bundled 5 people (including the South African snowboarding legend, the Flying Peppadew), 4 boards and a significant amount of poison into the 2007 Grand Cherokee (oh yeah) and drove through and Friday night to stay in a 3 bedroom house which already had 15 residents. We woke up the next morning with headaches all round and the peppadew in jail for urinating on a car. The official police term for this is depositing waste materials. Hilarious. By the time we had bailed this delinquent out and got out on the slopes it was after 12 which gave us just on 2 hours of riding before the guy who sleeps in banks tore his acl. Great host...To his credit, this didn't stop him from joining us for the Fray concert that night. Another great weekend down.

So, there you have it guys and girls. The 3-in-1 weekdn wrap. I will do my best to keep the posts more frequent although now that Gh#12 is back at varsity he should be as prolific as last year.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007
TLC for Monday Girl...

Poor little monday girl has been horribly neglected for over a month so we are back with purpose to rectify her to the lofty position that she deserves. I am choosing this angel to headline the take over since I like where her head is at..!
I would also kiss myself if I was that pretty...hold on... I am! My kids may grow up with one parent...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
RSLJ: Article 14 Take my face off…

By far one of the more nauseating human traits is when someone ‘gets beyond him/herself’. Most people are hard to stomach in their own right but then exists the middle class of people between the people that make you want to swallow your own car keys than engage in conversation with them and the upper echelon of society, rockstars. This middle group is sort of like a conversational bourgeoisie.
As mentioned this middle class is potable to a degree but like running water can become rancid and insipid rather quickly. This happens when they ‘go beyond themselves’. Breaching this translucent line differs from person to person depending on the poverty of their middle class situation. Let me place this is context.
Say for instance at the Sunday after Met catch up braai the boys are gloating about their weekend conquests and a young lad constructs a story about how he innocently gave two fillies a lift home and it turned into a world class samoosa orgy. Oh shut up kid, we know it didn’t happen! Save some of that spice for the meat; you’re going beyond yourself!
How this relates to the subject of this article may be as clouded as the judgment of the previously mentioned two fillies in choosing the embellisher as their transport home but I’ll clear it up shortly for you.
To my mind the technological advances that the bright people in lab coats make everyday are startling and they advance society in big giant steps but I think people are too caught up in the gimmick trend side of it and jump from one advancement to the next without realising that the incumbent step that they just rendered redundant achieved the same thing…
Hence, we are so caught up in being the first to catch onto something we miss that point that we don't even need it. We go beyond ourselves..Now to prove my admittedly clouded point I will use a snapshot of something that has brought myself under some heavy fire of late, but I am fine with that…because now I will tell you why...! Rockstars and Showstoppers, let’s talk Facebook… (more like a narration but stop reading when you know I am right*)
Communication is luckily for me an aspect in which I am experienced enough to talk authoritavely upon. Ever since my parents sent me away from the harmful kryptonite deposits on our home planet to this one I have been an interstellar orphan and had to build my relationships founded on solid communication.Every argument advocating facebook delivered to me has centred on the point that it is the easiest and most efficient way to communicate with your friends. You can make photos available for all your friends to check out, you can send them cute e-gifts, you can leave little messages on their walls that they then can check and reply to so you don’t have to waste time sending out emails and you can poke them at will. I like the poke part but lets not digress.
Fearing oversimplification but for the sake of argument facebook is just an online tool that you can connect all your friends wherever they may be into one fuck off web and communicate with them at the touch of a button. Agree? Brilliant!
This does achieve a useful objective, as mentioned I am skilled in the art of trans-geo, -oceanic and -planetary communication and this brings all my important people into my laptop room. Differ with me here if you will but I think you might find it difficult, everyone can categorise their friendships and relationship into degrees.
The degrees differ according to various factors like, the length of your friendship in years, how you know the person, what you have been through and the physical proximity you have with them. All these culminate into how ‘close’ you are with them. Since this is an emotional term that extends beyond me feeling hot or cold I am not going to try and define it but I think you get it…
The school friend you have known since you got thrown out of Mrs Larner’s English class with in std 1 and have been thrown out of numerous places with since is a 1st degree friend. The guy you shared a history tut with in 2nd year and still have mutual friends is a 3rd degree friend. Any arb guy after that becomes an acquaintance.
Here is where distance plays a role. The rockstar special A grade friend you rocked cape town with during varsity may up and put the Atlantic between your exploits but when he returns, even for a fleeting 72 hours of passion a few years from now you pick up straight away from pole position on the starting grid. You see, that kind of friendship eluded convention and you don’t have to instance message each other to vindicate that.
However 2nd and 3rd degree friend need to be kept in contact with otherwise they slip down the starting grid and may end up in the pitlane with Tokuma Sato. The distinction, you communicate with the rockstar friend because you want to, you communicate with the others because if you don’t you lose them. The solution. Facebook!
I say bullshit. And my degrees of friendship analogy should make that clear. I am going to gloss over the whole privacy issue because it is such a glaring loophole in the facebook argument that it is unfair to attack it from that angle, and the story of how a girl got raped over MYSPACE in America kind of proved my point.. I am also not going to throw cheap low blows at the system either by ridiculing how people portray themselves in the photo profiles with sepia tones or my placing a better looking friend in the fore of the picture. Instead I am attacking the core. The communication that is fast and efficient argument.
Breaking it down like this may make it easier. You are either FB-ing a friend in a far away country or one locally, or you are in the far away country FB-ing back home. So back to my friendship degrees, if you friend far away is so important to you surely you can make the time to send them a more personal, and private email through which you can communicate on a level that reflects the strength of your friendship. You want to chat? Do it in private on gmail, because that is faster than FB and private, or sms the guy. Ha!
Now this aspect of FB really perplexes my brain. Why the fuck do friends who live in the same city FB each other. Please show me a more plastic uninvolved fake way of continuing a friendship. Why don’t you meet up and have a proper conversation. I think it is a sad time when 10 friends interact over a plasma screen when they could rather all meet at one place and do it properly. Call me old fashioned but I like to be able to look my mates in the eyes and punch them on the arm when they’re being stoopid.
If that aspect perplexed me then this one really confuses the fuck out of me. You take a year off, leave everything behind and spend loads of dollars to go overseas to see the world. You get there and then spend 2 hours everyday in the WiFi section of Barnes and Nobles writing on the walls of all your friends you left behind. Come the fuck on! You could have achieved the same thing with half the money by buying an HSDPA 3G vodacom package and a state of the art notebook and driven up the West Coast for 6 months. You go overseas to meet people and interact with another culture. Stop facebook poking the girl you never came right with at varsity and go chat up the cute girl sitting across from you near the espresso machine because she is American and that makes her easy…

You want to keep in contact with your real friends. Take the time to email them. You want to show them pictures of what you doing? Gmail them or start a blog. It’s quicker and you might end up with more photos since you will spend more time hitting on girls with your cool accent than FB-ing mates stuck at home. And those photos your mates will really want to see…
In a walnut. The craze that is facebook serves a superficial purpose of mass interaction with numerous people but doesn’t suffice to qualify as the substance a friendship needs. Yes it is fast but so is email or sms. If you’re in Rome, spend your Euros trying to bang the daughter of an emperor don’t spend them in a dingy Internet café. If you’re at home get out of the house and go meet someone face to face.

You may raise the counter argument that I spent 20 minutes at home typing this advice rather than following it. Well, with great power comes great responsibility. This blog gives us the power to get you laid so it is our responsibility to bear the burden of sacrifice to do it so you spend less time on facebook and more time with legs wrapped around your face.
Remember, young hot vixens throw their sex cards at us but that is why we have the authority to have a lifestyle blog not a result from having one….
(*Please note that if you read as far as the starred parenthesis you unwittingly agreed with everything I said, cause at some point you will have to stop reading…like now…thank you my people)
Friday, February 02, 2007
Caught up amongst the sun, the shine and the cuervo of a decent december holiday you would be forgiven in failing to notice that its already February and more importantly the Super 14 came early this year. This weekend has to be the biggest sports bumper bus in a long time.

Super 14 has begun, 6 nations starts tomorrow and yes, Super Bowl XLI is on Sunday (Monday morning for us)…!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
My descriptive imagination doesn't contend with the likes of George Orwell before me but my ability to pass off work hinged on the ideas of others is unrivalled. Hence my reverse elbow inside ball on the sweeping slopes of the sandy C4 touch field looks fantastic and has epic results but truth be told I stole it from King Carlos like the bartender at Caprice's main bar stole the vibe of the other one at the groove bar...blonde wake up hair, finger trucker and retard speech, you know the one...
I pilfered Orwell's satirical allegory to bring before your eyes the reason I have been unable to tend to our loyal flock of sheep that is the RSJ readership. As you will know I spent the summer pursuing the glamorous lifestyle of a camps bay bartender. As you will know after reading this, that the Club Group that enjoyed the service of my employment is run worse than Orwell's windmill and by a dictator that leaves Napoleon the big up for the 'boss of the year' award...

The senior partner of this company, Napoleon, took his massive profit and started a massive commune. The commune consists of 8 different venues and the one I laboured on, Beach Farm, was the latest addition to his empire of pigshit.
Now the pig Napoleon is really rolling in it. In fact he rented the farm at 250000 haybales a month for only a 5 month period. Yes that is 1,25million haybales, and he threw in renovations to boot. Bearing in mind the very successful farm next door only rents for 35000 haybales a month.
So why then does a farm leader so dripping in cash choose to screw every single person who works for him out of any piece of straw possible. After relieving his first appointed manager of his duties for doing horse steroids in the barn at the back the farm was left unmanaged so a good management team was put in place. After a month the one new manager was refused pay and the other only paid half. The 3rd manager was then assualted and Napoleon just apologised saying that would suffice in dealing with the matter.
One night a party was held on the farm to celebrate the birthday of a famous french farmer. The generous frenchman left 26ooo haybales for the farm labourers on his black AmEx. Napolean deducted 10% service charge for running the card, 14% VAT on the gratuity and 30% PAYE, leaving the servants with half. You lying prick! How on earth can you justify that...
Of course the little servants could do nought and were left toiling with beuacracy, double shifts, no communication and scant pay. One great example among many would be the homeless famrworker Mike that received only 25% of his monthly salary from the company because they had the policy that unless you had a bank account you would only receive that portion of your hard earned hay! Despite this policy, other works did receive cheques as payment. Stealing from a homeless guy...nice!
The lengths of which these pricks went to screw the only people that worked for them was unbelievable. Hence in one day they lost 1 out of 2 managers and 6 out of 7 bartenders (the stayers being related to a member of the dog pack) and countless other things they'll never even know they lost...