I hate leaving the country. My penchant for staying at home isn’t linked to my burning trait of xenophobia or that I home-sickly miss having to chain my car to a tree every time I park outside Forries, instead I prefer not leaving my little country because outside of it you aren’t exposed to the same type of journalistic flair that our media possesses.

The media in other countries is subject to rigorous restraints that our media has proven are unnecessary limitations on trying to fill blank newspaper pages with print. Impeding constraints like fact checking, source citing, editing and well, the truth, stop many a world class article from hitting the desk in front of you.
I am not suggesting that all articles are lies or even complete lies. After all, the best lie is 60% true and 40% false. (okay my percentages may not be entirely correct but that is the beauty of it because you believed it even though they aren’t, and besides 93% of statistics are made up on the spot anyway)
In finding a way to keep in touch with our local media I stumbled on the e-versions of my favorite black and white fabrication pages, and the Cape Argus had this beauty for me this morning:
'MTV's satellite music channel has applied for permission to stage a one-off "unplugged" concert in the famous Cango Caves - starring Coldplay.'

I love it. Our media is quicker onto to a story than a Bangkok fake DVD street tout is onto your wrist, and I can vouch to say that is pretty damn quick. It should be catch phrased 'the Chilliboy phenomenon'. When something or someone has the slightest inkling of potential thrust them straight to the top before they can say 'coldplay in the caves'.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall of the ANC headquarters administration block right now watching the applications stream in for political positions in the little Karoo.
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