I have pilfered an idea from collegehumor.com and I think it is brilliant. This guy, Streeter Seidell, gets people to email him written pieces about the 'People they Hate'. He then compiles the best written, truest and funniest ones and posts them one collegehumor. Its fuckin hilarious.
This one is from:
"Jeff K. from Penn State really hates… Ms. Giant Sun Glasses. As long as Paris Hilton says they’re cool, then it must be true. (Funny story about Paris Hilton; she’s a skank. Don’t believe me? Ask her father.) Anywhooo, I really feel that no matter how many people claim that they look good, somewhere, deep with in the recesses of their soul, they are laughing along with me. I’m sure that I will have several male detractors disagreeing with me, citing evidence that a lot of hot girls wear this particular style of sunglasses. I answer them thusly: you don’t find it a bit suspicious that nearly 50% of these girls’ faces are hidden behind overpriced plastic. What exactly are they hiding? The answer: ugliness. I’ve been told several times in my life that I’d be better looking if someone put a bag on my head with a picture of the Toxic Avenger drawn in crayon, but you don’t see me doing it! Show us your faces."

We are so doing this! In your next exam study break keyboard us an email about describing the person (or people) you hate and why. I'll sift through the good stuff and post them.
Send them to rockstarweb@gmail.com...
Let the creative juices flow...
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