Those of you who have absolutely no idea what the above title refers to could be excused. But only if you're the kinda guy who woke up this morning, quietly extricated yourself from what could have been a mildly awkward situation involving you, a couple of hot twin sisters, a bottle of Jose Cuervo, a long night and very little sleep, and ventured downstairs throwing high fives in your wake. *

If not, you better listen up soldier. Today, is the third Thursday of April and is known around the world as National High 5 Day. The tenets of NH5D are fairly simple and involve throwing as many hi-fives as possible, even with perfect strangers. In fact, the more perfect strangers involved the better, particularly if aforementioned strangers are hot blonde and twins.
Those of you who are struggling with the concept and prefer seeing things in pictures as opposed to words would be better off going to watch the video at the official NH5D website. If you've managed to grasp the concept and can get that girl accross the room to stop eye-fucking you for half a second, here's a video to get you into the mood. Happy high-fiving.
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