Why we insure men only ...
Having claimed for aeons that they can multi-task, there now seems to incontrevertible proof that women can in fact do several things at once. The Flintshire Chronicles reports that:
"A MOTORIST is facing disqualification after police video cameras caught her using both hands to put on make-up as she was driving at 32mph. Crown prosecutor Ian Evans presented photographs to the court showing that Donna Maddock had an eye brush in one hand and a compact in the other as she drove at 32mph in a 40mph area. Mr Evans said: 'She was not speeding, but she was doing 32mph more than she should have been because she had no hands on the steering wheel.' "

Ms. Maddock may not have seen the 18-wheeler, but at least she was properly groomed for the head-on collision
That sure puts paid to SA insurance company, 1st for Women's claims that men are higher risk drivers. Of course, there was that time I had the 3 Swedish models in the car. Although I prefer to think of it as sharing, not multi-tasking.
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