Fri-day monday comes around...I´ve noticed something over the past few weeks that needs a mention. I have taken to tossing into a gym session between work finishing and supper on a Friday night. As a pre-work restricted student the WOD was either at a lazy 9amor even better just after lunch. Work doesn´t allow this.

Monday through Friday...
I have however noticed something incredible and decided to point it out. Monday through Thursday the after work training session is bulging from spinning studio to weights section with fit toned muscle bound exercise freaks sporting Adonis six packs or Aphrodite curves. Fast forward to Friday and you have a different cross section of society.
Only fat and ugly people gym with me on a Friday.
It is true.
I usually don´t notice ugly people but they are so many in gym on a Friday that I was forced to take notice. I then tested the theory and it is true. Obviously however there is a perfectly good reason.
Friday´s only...All the pretty people train Monday through Thursday to get into shape so they are invited to attend events that involve socialising and then sex, whereas your ugly people aren´t invited. Your ugly people are upset at not having anywhere to go, so they go try train off the ugliness. Makes perfect sense.
That leaves me with the horrible possibility that some social event somewhere is doing pretty badly because I am such a nerd that if a WOD falls on a Friday, I go fraternise with the ugly people...